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Gorilla Habituation in Bwindi

Gorilla Habituation: More Than One Hour with Mountain Gorillas

Gorilla Habituation: More Than One Hour with Mountain Gorillas

Gorilla Habituation in Bwindi

Uganda is among East African countries, being a unique country, many tourists find their way and visit this country. Among the activities and attractions that make tourists flood this country is Mountain Gorilla Tracking. They are located in south western Uganda in two National parks, Bwindi and Mgahinga National Parks. Going on a gorilla safari is a life time experience and many clients visit more than once or twice. Normally this activity starts with briefing at different park headquarters and then clients enter the forest in search for the attraction. After finding them, visitors are supposed to spend with the group 1 hour before returning back to the headquarter. With this one hour, you are allowed to take photos, videos and then witness the playful baby gorillas and black backs. It’s possible to be with the Mountain gorillas more than 1 hours, here are the ways below.

Gorilla Habituation

Gorilla Habituation is an activity in Bwindi National Park. It’s a process of following the gorillas to be accustomed to tourists or human being. This can be for their safety and also to reduce on their shyness. After Gorilla habituation, the group can be made open to daily tourists for gorilla tracking. When you reserve a gorilla habituation permit, you will go with researchers or park rangers and guides for the habituation. As they are doing their work of grooming the group, visitors will also be there enjoying the process and the big primate. After finding the group, tourists are supposed to spend 4 hours with the Mountain gorillas. This is more than 1 hour for the gorilla tracking.

For Gorilla Habituation, a maximum of 4 visitors will be allowed to spend more time with the family. Gorilla Habituation permit cost 1500 USD. Though the cost seems to be High but its worth the experience. The activity is done in Rushaga region of Bwindi National Park.

After doing the gorilla habituation process, there are other activities to explore like the nature walks, birding, Batwa cultural visit and etc. Other National parks around Bwindi include, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kibale National Park and semliki Natioanl park.

Double Gorilla Tracking

This activity also allows visitors to stay with the Gorillas more than 1 hour. Double gorilla Tracking means purchasing two permits for gorilla tracking. It might be for the same region but different gorilla families, Different regions but same Gorilla Park or Different Gorilla parks, like one in Bwindi and another one Mgahinga National Park.

Tracking will be done for two days; the 2 gorilla permits will be on different dates and that means 2 hours will be spent with gorillas. This allows a visitor to learn more and also enjoy the close relatives of ours. Since it can be done on a different family/ different gorilla park, its another experience, Imagine, tracking in Bwindi, feeling the Impenetrable Forest and the gentle apes and also explore Mgahinga National Park which is part of the Virunga massif. You will see the different with the terrain and etc.

Example Itineraries for Double Gorilla Tracking

4 Days Bwindi Double Gorilla Tracking.

This will give you enough time to visit the shy primate twice, the first day can be for Transfer, 2 days for Gorilla tracking and then the 4-day Transfer back Home. For this Itinerary, it’s possible to use domestic flights to and from the Gorilla parks or by road in a safari Land cruise.

6 Days Gorilla and wild life adventure.

This will give you time to do game drive in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Where you may encounter animals like, lions, leopards, Hippos, Elephants, Hynas and not forgetting the Ishasha sector for tree climbing lions.

The Itinerary will also allow you do a boat cruise at Kazinga channel, where a variety of animals will be seen at the banks of the water body.

After exploring Queen Elizabeth, Continue to the gorilla parks for the life time activity Double gorilla tracking.

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